Three of Us

Three of Us

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tap in Thursday's

Yesterday, we posted our Tap in Thursday's premier. Please join us today and remember to come back to tell us who was your favorite post or who provided the most helpful information!

Thanks for joining!!

Today's questions are themed "Quarters."
Next Thursday will be "Restaurants, DEFACT and TakeOUt"
Remember to come back to tell us who gave the best answer and we will highlight them next week!

1. Name an instillation you have been stationed.
Fort Sill, Oklahoma

2. Did/do you live on or off post?
We lived off post in Lawton, Oklahoma. We rented from our next door neighbor there. We shared a roommate, but our backyard was spacious, our kitchen was big and we were only about 10 minutes from post.

3. What would you recommend for newcomers to do about housing?
If you cannot get on post housing right away, I would suggest looking at apartments near cache road. They have decent sizes. They also gives you a break for military when you need to break the lease.

4. Where is an inexpensive place you can stay off post while waiting for on post living?
St. James Apartments There main link isn't working right now. We have a good friend living there now and he enjoys it. He is single though. There might be a better kids place.

5. How is the housing office? Do you have any recommendations or specific people to speak with?
Unfortunately, we weren't married at the time and I do not have any experience with this.

6. How is the wait list?
Even though we lived off post, we had friends who got on post within six months! I would say that was pretty quick!

I am sure Radarette and Sapperette will be able to add to the post later today. They are in different time zones, but I wanted the east coast peeps to get a head start!

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  1. Linked up! :) Semper Fi to Apple Pie-- USMC duty station

  2. Linked up from Doxie Noodle. All about White Sands Missile Range.

  3. Linked up from My Hero is You - a little about our Army post in Germany :)

  4. Could you please write a specific Blizzard Bloghop post that would introduce your blog? Otherwise I will have to delete your link. Thank you! :)

  5. Hi, ladies! I discovered you via the BlogHop and love the concept of your blog!

  6. thank you elizabeth for joining. we could not comment on your blog, but we really appreciate your input. We know a lot was going on today with the blog world!


Your contribution to our Strong Spouses...Army Strong blog means so much! We look forward to reading what you have to say :)