Three of Us

Three of Us

Alphabet of an Army Wife

Military Alphabet Vs Army Wife Alphabet: Please, feel free to take this to add to your blog.

Alfa - Army Wife
Bravo - Better or Worse
Charlie - Caring
Delta - Deployments
Echo - Encouraging
Foxtrot - Forever
Golf - God
Hotel - Homecoming
India - Involved
Julia - Journey
Kilo - Keeper of the house
Lima - Love
Mike - Moving, Movers, Moved
November - NCO
Oscar - Officer
Papa - PT
Quebec - Quiet
Romeo - Rest Reliable
Seirra - Skype
Tango - Trust
Uniform - Unwavering
Victor - Vigilant
Whiskey - Waiting
Xray - Xenium
Yankee - Year-long deployments
Zulu - Zen